Frequently Asked Questions: GiveInstead App

Where do my charitable contributions go when I donate through the GiveInstead app?

100% go to the charity you have selected in the GiveInstead app, less any 3rd party transaction fees. HowGiving currently charges no fees, but instead asks for donations to sustain operations as any non-profit might.

How do go about adding my favorite Christian charity (or church) to GiveInstead?

There is a vetting process for all potential charities or churches. It must meet specific requirements set forth by HowGiving leadership before it can be added (if at all). If you would like to suggest a charity or church, you can begin the request process here >>

Why are only biblically Christian charities and churches included?

We only include Christian causes because we know that, if it is not done for the Lord and for His glory, then it's meaningless ... a puffing up of ourselves and consequently sin, in actuality. We can't back sinful things that do not glorify God. 

How might I support HowGiving's operations?

Thank you for asking! Feel free to Donate to HowGiving here. Just know that we will take the firstfruit of your donation and give it to our favorite charities, using the remainder for our organizations 'daily bread" to cover overhead and spreading the word about Giving Generously!